Cupertino Business Sectors


Category Descriptions

Real Estate: appraisal services, real estate companies, etc.

Construction: contractors, building suppliers, etc.

Traditional Service: cosmetology, auto service, maintenance and repair, gardening service, etc.

Professional Service: marketing and employment agencies, consultants, translation services, etc.

Medical: chiropractors, dentists, health services, physical therapy, acupuncture, etc.

Educational: educational instruction, training, etc.

Financial: insurance, accounting services, investment firms, mortgage brokers, etc.

Non-profit: charities working for a cause without financial gain.

R&D: laboratories and businesses developing a variety of innovative products.

Retail: jewelry, furniture, hardware, sporting goods, hotels, etc.

Food and Entertainment: grocery stores, restaurants, entertainment services, theaters, etc.

Technology: computer software, telecommunications, electronics, manufacturing, etc.


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