Stormwater Pollution Prevention

Prevent Pollution in Our Creeks and Bay, Maintain and Improve the Storm Drainage Infrastructure

The Clean Water and Storm Protection Program is funded by two parcel-based assessment fees. One has been in place since 1992, and the second was adopted in 2019. Together the fees fund work that prevents trash and other pollutants from flowing into local creeks and the Bay, where they can harm fish and other wildlife. They also ensure proactive maintenance of infrastructure to protect local property from flooding. The annual renewal of fees was considered by City Council on June 6, 2023(PDF, 205KB).

Stormwater laws prohibit any residential or industrial waste (including soapy water, dirt, paint, pool water, and landscaping run-off) from entering storm drains because they lead directly to creeks and the bay. Violators could be cited $25,000 per day. Only rain down the storm drain!

To report an illegal discharge or dumping incident, contact the City of Cupertino

  • Business Hours: (excluding holidays): Monday- Friday, 7:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. 408.777.3354
  • Outside of Business Hours: 408.299.2311 (Santa Clara County Communications will notify the City's on-call staff)
  • Report illegal dumping or discharges online during business hours only. Please do not report dumping or discharges online after hours (before 7:30 a.m. or after 4:30 p.m.).

When do you report an illegal discharge or dumping?

  • When you see a person dumping anything into a storm drain or gutter - this activity is illegal
  • When you observe a sewage overflow (you may see a round manhole type cover marked "sewer" in front of a home or business that has popped up to allow sewage to emerge)
  • When you notice unusual odors in or near a storm drain
  • When you see waste materials in or near a storm drain
  • When you hear a lot of water in the storm drain during dry periods
