Transportation & Streets

A Multi-faceted Transportation System

Cupertino's transportation system is multi-faceted. It integrates walkways, sidewalks, bicycle routes, bus transit facilities, local streets, major roadways and freeways into a single, integrated system that supports the City's high quality of life. At the local level, this includes facilities that connect neighborhoods with pedestrian, bicycle and auto-mobile routes. Longer distance connections include links to major boulevards, expressways, commuter rail and the regional freeway system.

Cupertino’s Transportation Division strives to achieve the goals detailed in the Mobility Element of the City’s General Plan, which include the following.

  • Actively participate in regional planning processes to coordinate local planning and to advocate for decisions that meet and complement the needs of Cupertino.
  • Promote improvements to city streets that safely accommodate all transportation modes and persons of all abilities.
  • Support a safe pedestrian and bicycle street network for people of all ages and abilities.
  • Promote local and regional transit that is efficient, frequent and convenient and reduces traffic impacts.
  • Ensure safe and efficient pedestrian and bicycle access to schools while working to reduce school-related congestion.
  • Promote innovative strategies to provide efficient and adequate vehicle parking.
  • Review and update Transportation Impact Analysis policies and guidelines that allow adequate consideration for all modes of transportation.
  • Promote policies to help achieve state, regional and local air quality and greenhouse gas emission reduction targets.
  • Promote effective and efficient use of the City’s transportation network and services.