Legislative Review Committee

Effective January 25, 2023, the Legislative Review Committee (LRC) was dissolved per City Council action.


January 25, 2023 City Council Meeting Minutes and Video (Item No. 2)

February 21, 2023 City Council Meeting Minutes and Video (Item No. 11)

City Council Resolution No. 23-036(PDF, 221KB), revisiting the City of Cupertino Legislative Advocacy Policy




The primary goals of the Legislative Review Committee are to make recommendations on legislative advocacy issues and to authorize position letters for legislation that aligns with the City's Council-approved Legislative Platform. Items not addressed in the City's Legislative Platform require approval of the full Council prior to any legislative advocacy efforts. For more information, view the City's Legislative Advocacy Policy(PDF, 221KB)


2022 Legislative Wrap-Up

Here(PDF, 125KB) is a year-end report of the 2022 Legislative session for bills that the City took a position on. The League of California Cities also released their 2022 legislative report, which can be viewed here(PDF, 3MB)

Past Committee Meetings

To view past meeting materials please visit Agendas and Minutes.

Legislative Process 101

The LRC held a presentation to learn about the state legislative process on Tuesday, March 29 at 6 p.m. The presentation can be viewed below.


2022 Legislative Agenda

The City Council approved the City of Cupertino's 2022 Legislative Platform at its meeting on February 1st. The Legislative Platform is comprised of guiding principles that provide a framework for Cupertino’s regional, state, and federal legislative priorities. Adopted annually, the City’s Legislative Platform will serve as a reference guide for legislative positions and objectives that provide direction for the City Council and staff throughout the year. The Legislative Platform is the foundation of a focused advocacy strategy and the 2022 Legislative Platform can be found here(PDF, 221KB)


For more information on legislation and regional measures regarding housing visit, our Statewide and Regional Housing Policy page.  


Below are bills that Council or the Legislative Review Committee (LRC) have taken a formal position on or are watching.

State Bills

Bills Topic Author Position Status
 AB 71 Bring California Home Act Luz Rivas Watch 3/12/21 2/1/22 Bill died in inactive file
AB 377  Water Quality: Impaired Waters  Robert Rivas  Watch 3/12/21 1/31/22 Bill died in house of origin
 AB 988  Mental Health: Mobile Crisis Support Teams: 988 Crisis Hotline  Bauer-Kahan  Support 5/14/21  9/29/22 Approved by the Governor
 AB 989  Housing Accountability Act: Appeals: Housing Accountability  Gabriel  Oppose 6/18/21  9/10/21 Bill died in the Senate
 AB 1091  Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority: Board of Directors Berman Oppose 3/12/21 2/1/22 Bill died in inactive file
 AB 1401  Residential and Commercial Development: Parking Requirements Friedman Oppose 6/18/21 8/26/21Bill died in the Senate
 AB 1603 Theft: Shoplifiting: Amount Salas Watch 3/24/22  10/24/22 Bill died in house of origin
 AB 1944 Local Government: Open and Public Meetings  Lee Support 3/24/22  6/22/22 Hearing postponed by committee
 AB 2011 Affordable Housing and High Road Jobs Act of 2022 Wicks and Wiener Oppose 5/21/22  9/28/22 Approved by the Governor
 AB 2097 Residential, commercial, or other development types: parking requirements Friedman Oppose 7/18/22  9/22/22 Approved by the Governor
 AB 2164  Disability Access: Funding  Lee Watch 3/24/22  9/30/22 Approved by the Governor
 AB 2221  Accessory Dwelling Units  Quirk-Silva Oppose 5/31/22  9/28/22Approved by the Governor
 AB 2762  Housing: Parking Lots  Boom Oppose 3/24/22 2/19/22 From printer. May be heard in committee 3/21/22.
 AB 2763  Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority: job order contracting  Kalra Support 9/12/22 9/29/22 Approved by the Governor
 AB 2449  Open Meetings: Local Agencies: Teleconferences  Rubio Support 3/24/22 9/13/22 Approved by the Governor
SB 6  Local Planning: Housing Commercial Zones  Caballero Oppose 2/26/21 9/28/22 Approved by the Governor
SB 15 Housing Development: Incentives: Rezoning of Idle Retail Sites Portantino Watch 2/26/21 6/2/21 Bill died in the Assembly
SB 99 Community Energy Resilience Act of 2021 Dodd Support 7/23/21 8/27/21 Bill died in the Assembly
SB 477 General Plan: Annual Report Wiener Oppose 6/18/21 1/27/22 Governor's Veto sustained
SB 556 Street Light Poles, Traffic Signal Poles: Small Wireless Facilities Attachments Dodd Oppose 5/14/21 1/27/22 Governor's Veto sustained
SB 612 Electrical Corporations and Other Load-Serving Entities: Allocation of Legacy Resources Portantino Council adopted support position 6/1/21 6/16/22Re-referred to Committee on Education, pursuant to Assembly Rule 96.
SB 617 Residential Solar Energy Systems: Permitting Wiener Support 5/14/21 2/1/22 Bill died in house of origin
SB 792 Sales and Use Tax: Retailers: Reporting Glazer Council adopted oppose position 6/1/21 1/27/22 Governor's Veto sustained
SB 897 Accessory Dwelling Units: Junior Accessory Dwelling Units Wieckowski Oppose 5/31/22 9/28/22 Approved by the Governor
SB 1100  Open Meetings: Orderly Conduct Cortese Watch 3/24/22  8/22/22Approved by the Governor
ACA 1 Affordable Housing and Public Infrastructure: Voter Approval Aguiar-Curry Watch 3/12/21 4/22/21 Bill died in house of origin
ACA 4 Elections: Initiatives and Referenda  Kiley Watch 3/12/21 2/18/21 Bill died in house of origin
ACA 7 Local Government: Police Power: Municipal Affairs: Land Use and Zoning Muratsuchi Support 5/14/21 3/17/21 Bill died in house of origin
Initiative 21-0016  Local Land Use and Zoning Laws   Support 12/10/21 11/1/21 Attorney General issued a Title and Summary for the proposed initiative
Initiative 21-0042A1 Taxpayer Protection and Government Accountability Act Initiative– Limits Ability of Voters and State and Local Governments to Raise Revenues for Government Services   Oppose 12/10/21 2/3/22 Initiative proponents have received title and summary from the Attorney General and have until 8/2/22 to submit 997,139 valid signatures
VLF Trailer Bill The Motor Vehicle In-Lieu Tax   Oppose 5/31/22 Rejects proposed Trailer Bill Language to cap revenue offsets for Vehicle License Fee backfill insufficiencies driven by insufficient Educational Revenue Augmentation Fund (ERAF) revenues.

Updated 10/21/22

This table(PDF, 130KB) shows how Cal Cities (The League) and Cupertino's Legislators voted on bills that the City has taken a position on.

City of Cupertino's Legislative Support/Opposition Letters


Assembly Bill 215 (Chiu) - Notice of Opposition(PDF, 219KB), Request for Veto(PDF, 315KB)

Assembly Bill 988 (Bauer-Kahan) - Notice of Support(PDF, 229KB)

Assembly Bill 989 (Gabriel) - Notice of Opposition(PDF, 210KB)

Assembly Bill 1091 (Berman) - Notice of Opposition(PDF, 201KB)

Assembly Bill 1174 (Grayson) - Request for Veto(PDF, 243KB)

Assembly Bill 1401 (Friedman) - Notice of Opposition(PDF, 207KB)

Assembly Bill 1944 (Lee) - Notice of Support(PDF, 242KB)

Assembly Bill 2011 (Wicks) - Notice of Opposition(PDF, 260KB)

Assembly Bill 2097 (Friedman) - Notice of Opposition(PDF, 121KB)

Assembly Bill 2181 (Berman) - Notice of Opposition(PDF, 274KB)

Assembly Bill 2449 (Rubio) - Notice of Support(PDF, 243KB)

Assembly Constitutional Amendment 7 (Muratsuchi) - Notice of Support(PDF, 203KB)

Senate Bill 6 (Caballero) - Notice of Opposition(PDF, 227KB)

Senate Bill 7 (Atkins) - Notice of Oppose Unless Amended(PDF, 208KB)

Senate Bill 8 (Skinner) - Notice of Opposition(PDF, 201KB)

Senate Bill 9 (Atkins) - Notice of Opposition(PDF, 224KB), Request for Veto(PDF, 227KB)

Senate Bill 10 (Wiener) - Notice of Opposition(PDF, 197KB), Request for Veto(PDF, 216KB)

Senate Bill 52 (Dodd) - Notice of Support(PDF, 216KB), Request for Signature(PDF, 283KB)

Senate Bill 60 (Glazer) - Notice of Support(PDF, 200KB), Request for Signature(PDF, 264KB)  

Senate Bill 99 (Dodd) - Notice of Support(PDF, 202KB)

Senate Bill 278 (Leyva) - Notice of Opposition(PDF, 198KB), Request for Veto(PDF, 262KB)

Senate Bill 290 (Skinner) - Notice of Opposition(PDF, 203KB)

Senate Bill 477 (Wiener) - Notice of Opposition(PDF, 208KB), Request for Veto(PDF, 269KB)

Senate Bill 478 (Wiener) - Notice of Opposition(PDF, 203KB)

Senate Bill 556 (Dodd) - Notice of Opposition(PDF, 198KB), Request for Veto(PDF, 262KB)

Senate Bill 612 (Portantino) - Notice of Support(PDF, 205KB)

Senate Bill 617 (Wiener) - Notice of Support(PDF, 200KB)

Senate Bill 619 (Laird) - Notice of Support(PDF, 203KB) , Request for Signature(PDF, 267KB)

Senate Bill 778 (Becker) - Notice of Opposition(PDF, 200KB)

Senate Bill 780 (Cortese) - Notice of Support(PDF, 205KB), Request for Signature(PDF, 268KB)

Senate Bill 792 (Glazer) - Notice of Opposition(PDF, 211KB), Request for Veto(PDF, 274KB)

Senate Bill 897 (Wieckowski) - Notice of Opposition(PDF, 265KB)

Initiative 21-0016 - Notice of Support: Senator Cortese(PDF, 300KB), Senator Becker(PDF, 472KB), Assemblymember Low(PDF, 299KB), Assemblymember Berman(PDF, 299KB)

Initiative 21-0042A1- Notice of Opposition: Senator Cortese(PDF, 311KB), (PDF, 472KB)Senator Becke(PDF, 428KB)r, Assemblymember Low(PDF, 309KB) , (PDF, 299KB)Assemblymember Berman(PDF, 320KB)

California Plastic Waste Reduction Regulations Initiative (Becker) - Notice of Support: Senator Cortese,(PDF, 266KB) Senator Becker(PDF, 266KB)  Assemblymember Low(PDF, 274KB), Assemblymember Berman(PDF, 267KB)

Vehicle License Fee Budget Trailer Bill - Notice of Opposition: Chair Carillo(PDF, 396KB) , Chair Kamlager(PDF, 361KB)

Previous Legislative Agendas

2021 Legislative Agenda

2020 Legislative Agenda

2019 Legislative Agenda

2018 Legislative Agenda


Contact Info

Click here for information on how to contact your state and federal legislators.


Staff Contact 

Astrid Robles

Senior Management Analyst
