The Hills at Vallco

Location: 10123 N Wolfe Rd, Cupertino, CA 95014
Property Owner: Vallco Property Owner, LLC (Sand Hill Property Company)
Architect: Rafael Viñoly Architects, OLIN Landscape Architects
Project Manager: Piu Ghosh


October 2017:

Letter submitted by property owner on October 5, 2017, to re-engage City in the preparation of a Specific Plan and Program-level EIR for a range of alternatives for the Vallco Shopping District. Please visit The Rise for a copy of the letter.


  • Submitted in September 2015
  • Project on hold between December 2015 and September 2017.
  • Subject of two failed initiatives, Measure C (see agenda Item 2) & Measure D (see agenda Item 11) in the November 2016 Election.

Application Summary

Proposal to allow the demolition of an approximately 1.2 million sq. ft. regional shopping mall and associated parking and the construction of a mixed use commercial, residential, and office development with the following uses:

  • 625,000 square feet of commercial and civic areas, including retail and entertainment uses, such as, restaurants, a movie theater, an ice skating rink, bowling alley, health club and civic uses including a 10,000 sq. ft. High School Innovation Center and a 5,000 sq. ft. community center;
  • 800 residential units, including 680 market rate units, 80 below market rate units and 40 senior age-restricted units
  • 2,000,000 square feet of office uses

Other uses include:

  • 30-acre integrated green roof with:
    • Public open space and recreational uses, such as trails, amphitheater, community center etc.; and
    • Private open space and recreational uses, such as fitness center/clubhouse, pool etc.
  • Two town squares - approximately 2.98 acres total (West - 1.84 acres; East - 1.14 acres)
  • Amenity space for residential and office uses including fitness center, clubhouses, cafeteria, conference center, testing and workshop areas;
  • Loading, facility and security management areas;
  • Transit center;
  • Central plants; and
  • Associated underground, surface and structured parking for 9,175 vehicles.

The applicant also proposes to remove 372 trees, retain 522 trees (including six trees to be transplanted) and plant 1,282 new trees within the project area.

A Specific Plan has not been submitted at this time.

Project Permits Required

  • Specific Plan;
  • Conforming Zoning;
  • Development Agreement;
  • Condition Use Permit; and
  • Associated permits, maps and agreements

Environmental Review

  • Environmental review, a necessary part of the project review process, was initiated in Summer 2015.
  • As part of the process, a Notice of Preparation (NOP)(PDF, 850KB) for preparation of the Environmental Impact Report for the project was made available in Fall 2016.
  • In addition to the publication of the NOP, the City also hosted a Scoping meeting to allow the public an opportunity to comment on the environmental scope of the project. Please see the video below.



10123 N Wolfe Rd, Cupertino, CA 95014  View Map

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