GPA Authorization - 2021 Second Cycle

The City received one application in the 2021 first cycle (deadline to apply was November 9, 2020). The proposed project is to allow a demolition of the existing single family home and development of four detached homes, with two of them having Accessory Dwelling Units, where only two would be allowed under the current zoning and General Plan Land Use designations. The project would require General Plan Amendments to change the General Plan Land Use Designation from Low Density (1-5 DU/Ac.) to Low / Medium Density (5-10 DU/Ac.).

The item will be heard at a City Council hearing on April 6, 2021. 

Public Hearing

On April 7, 2021, the City Council reviewed the application and made comments about the design and scope. The Council directed the applicant, in accordance with the adopted Procedures for Processing of General Plan Amendment Applications, to resubmit within 30 days to be considered by Council at a future public meeting.

Project Information

Location: 19280 Homestead Rd. (APN: 316-04-064)

Developer: Homestead Homes

Architect: Bellomo Architects

Project Manager: Gian Paolo Martire, Senior Planner

Project Data

Zoning: A1-43

General Plan Land Use: Low Density(1-5 DU/Ac.)

Lot Size: 21,780 sf (.5 acres)

Existing Density: 2 DU/acre

Proposed Density: 8 DU/acre

Accepted Application Package