Archived General Plans

City of Cupertino General Plan Community Vision 2015-2040 (Adopted March 3, 2020)

Cupertino General Plan: Community Vision 2015-2040

Includes Community Vision 2015-2040 (Adopted March 3, 2020) Amendments adopted by Resolution 20-006 (Increase development allocations in the Homestead Special Area and allow increased heights and reduced building plane within the North De Anza Gateway specific to this development on APN 326-10-061 adopted March 3, 2020)

City of Cupertino General Plan Community Vision 2015-2040 (Adopted August 20, 2019)

Cupertino General Plan: Community Vision 2015-2040

Includes Community Vision 2015-2040 (Adopted August 20, 2019) Amendments adopted by Resolution No. 19-109 (Elimination of office allocation at Vallco Shopping District Special Area adopted August 20, 2019) and Amendments adopted by Resolution No. 19-110 (Establishment of height limits and enact development standards for residential uses within the Vallco Shopping District Special Area and identification of an area for future residential development on 13.1 acres of the Special Area adopted August 20, 2019)

City of Cupertino General Plan Community Vision 2015-2040 (Adopted July 16, 2019)

Community Vision 2015-2040 (Adopted July 16, 2019) Full Document

Includes Community Vision 2015-2040 (Adopted July 16, 2019) Amendments adopted by Resolution No. 19-091 (Changes made to Table LU-1 for hotel allocations adopted July 16, 2019)

Community Vision 2040 (adopted May 19, 2015)

Community Vision 2040 (adopted December 4, 2014)